Thursday, April 17, 2014

Outcomes of Modeling

The Outcomes of Modeling

Learned New Behaviors - learners acquire abilities they didn't have before observing the model.

Facilitating Existing Behaviors  - people display abilities they already possessed as a result of observing one or more models.

Changing Inhibitions - self imposed restrictions on behavior are strengthened or weakened.

Arousing Emotions - peoples emotional reactions are changed when observing a model's display of emotions.

Stay one step ahead


Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Types of Modeling

The three types of modeling:

Direct modeling- an individual attempts to imitate the behavior of thinking of a live model. An example of that would be, a first grader forms letters in the same way the teacher does. Or Tim imitated Susan's study habits.

Symbolic Modeling - people imitate behaviors and thinking displayed by characters in books, plays. movies, television, or the internet. An example would be people adopting fashion patterns displayed by movie stars or rap stars. Young boys began to wear dresses because Kanye West does.

Synthesized Modeling - People combine behaviors observed in different acts. A child uses a chair to get up and open a cupboard door after seeing her brother use a chair to get a book from a shelf and seeing her mother open the cupboard.

Next time we will talk about the outcomes of modeling. Until next time... Always stay a step ahead.

Educational Modeling

     In education, modeling is a general term that refers to behavioral, cognitive, and effective changes deriving from observing the action of others (Schunk 2008).

For those who are not aware, modeling plays an important role in our everyday lives. For example, children learn acceptable ways of behaving by observing their parents and other adults.

There are different types of modeling we will look at those on my next post.

until then always be a step ahead.
